Tuesday 13 May 2014

who am I? WHO AM I!?!?

My name is Bryn Kettle. I go by the internet alias of Hood-boy

I am an animator - at the moment I am doing an animation course at college, but I do a  bit of freelancing in my spare time (well, I would if I could get commissions for anything)

I'm actually in the process of making a web cartoon, an ambitious one, at that! it's called BAS'C and it's about 3 really cartoony characters and one totally normal guy - it's really fun, and I've been going about it all professionally - I've made a pilot, a pitch bible and some model sheets - I've only been pitching it to my friends, as a test audience. at the moment I am working on the story boards for the first 3 episodes.

I don't know what else to share... I barely even know what I intend to use this blog thing for. maybe a dump for my doodles and other art? maybe a place to put all my animations? maybe I'll share my life story (disclaimer: I'm not going to share my life story), but what ever the purpose may be, I intend to have fun with this!!

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