Tuesday 17 May 2016

Foster Hope

I did some rough animations, for charity, that aired on New Zealand television!!
Thanks to Mediaworks Foundation for giving us our first TV gig - this was a huge opportunity!!
You can check out the full ad campaign, here:

Here are the roughs, that I did:

Being short on time, gave us quite a few limitations - I would have liked their movements to flow better, but I think it still hides my short-cuts pretty well
(The orange and blue parts are the rough pass)

Usually I do more extreme cartoonier animation, so our director seemed a little nervous when he gave me this shot - I think I did well, with these more subtle animations - the plastic bag, when Reuben puts the bear in, could be improved - but all in all, I'm please with how this shot came out!!

I also did some character designs, that weren't used:

went for some more stylized stuff based on rubber hose animation and hanna barbera/UPA style

Check out www.fosterhope.org.nz for more information

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