Thursday 26 June 2014


Tweek from South Park.

Well now that I've written such a witty description for this post, I may as well tell you why I am posting all these pictures today. You see, I am incredibly shy yet somehow the most nonchalant person on the planet.
Today was the first class for the acting course that is (unfortunately) part of my animation course, and when it was announced, yesterday, I couldn't do any work, I couldn't hold my tablet pen, I COULD BARELY BREATH!! this was one of the rare occasions where I am actually stressed out!! So I drew a whole heap of (what I consider) fun drawings to get my mind of the acting course.

I did all of these drawings (from the Whiny Babies post) yesterday and this morning.

i figured a picture of the most stressed out cartoon character i know would be the most fitting post to mention this on haha,

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